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About Fengshui

What Is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is the art of designing environments that enhance this flow of energy. Feng shui (pronounced Fung Shway) meaning Wind Water is the ancient Chinese art of geomancy, divination, and placement. Most importantly, feng shui practitioners work to cultivate and read energy or Qi. Qi animates all living things and circulates throughout nature, the spaces we occupy, even through our own bodies. To be without qi, would be like being without breath, and there would be no life.

Can Feng Shui Help Me?

Qi (energy or life-force) can be positive, negative or stagnant. Homes or offices (built environments) may have areas where chi is blocked, non-existent, or even overwhelming those living there. To have a happy and harmonious home qi should flow like water in a babbling brook, throughout a space supporting and energizing everything in its path. A feng shui consultant can help you to clear and activate the path of qi in your home or office. Making small changes and applying simple feng shui techniques can often have a positive impact in your life. The best candidates for Feng Shui are open-minded, committed to the process, and eager to learn about Feng Shui.

What Is Feng Shui Consultation?

Feng shui is about gaining awareness and insight by examining the details of a home, office, bedroom or property.

How does the qi (energy) flow — are there blocks or stagnant areas that may be affecting the household? Are the five elements represented in the space working with or against the client’s qi? Are there any missing areas of the bagua? Laura works directly with her clients to co-create a revitalized space, she examines the issues and discusses the most effective adjustment for each situation.

Each consult is unique and tailored specifically to the needs of the client. Consultations may include space clearings and blessings or they may focus entirely on revitalizing a client’s personal qi. Prior to the consultation Laura examines and reviews the home/property using specific methods and tools:

The Flow Of QI

reviewing the flow of qi and design details in the home.

Nine Star Ki Astrology

Reviewing the flow of qi and design details in the home.

The Bangua

An ancient method to gain a deeper understanding of the energy in the home and how it is impacting the occupants.

Divination Reading

Using dowsing, I Ching or Tarot to gain further insight and clarity.

Space Clearing

Perform or instruct on the appropriate clearing or blessing ceremony.

Meeting You Where You Are On Your Feng Shui Journey

Laura takes a practical and hands-on approach to feng shui. Her philosophy is to keep her practice approachable, simple, and fun. She often tells her clients: “Don’t worry; we can work with what you have.” Feng shui is about making us feel at ease and supported in our environments. Whether you are brand new to the practice of feng shui or have been practicing for a lifetime, Laura will guide you on your journey. Laura will review your situation, ask questions, listen, and offer adjustments and methods that are right for you.

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Find the Freedom From Stress. Feel The
Energy and Vital Strength.

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Marianne Lee

Miami, 25 y.o.

I highly recommend receiving a Tarot card reading, if you want to move forward in your life successfully. Tarot showed more clearly the part of my future I needed to know.  I chose the right way when I was in doubt.

Lisa Brown

LA, 46 y.o.

If you’re thinking about a session of Tarot reading, I highly recommend doing it. I always turn to tarot when I’m worried about my relationship. I got so much valuable information during the session, that I feel calm and inspired.

Kylie Rogers

NY, 28 y.o.

Alice Long


Lily Moore
