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About 7 Chakra


Sahasrara is the seventh primary chakra, known as the crown chakra and located at the top the head. Its colour frequency is violet and its musical note is B. Its element is pure, infinite divine light. The Crown Chakra represents the uncreated creator – the ultimate source of everything. An open Sahasrara is a mystical experience. It is the awareness of oneness with everything. At its highest, it is the attainment of supreme consciousness.


Ajna is the sixth primary chakra, located at the top of the spinal chord between the eyebrows. Its colour frequency is indigo and its musical note is A. This is the famous Third Eye, the centre of all intellect including psychic talents like clairvoyance and telepathy. An open and healthy Ajna chakra is characterised by a sense of idealism, greater intuitiveness and sharpened psychic abilities. Ajna is the gateway to self-realisation.


Muladhara is known as the root chakra and is located at the base of the spine. Its colour frequency is red and its musical note is C. Muladhara represents grounding to the Earth and connection with our physical body. It relates to instinct and survival think security, stability and financial independence. A healthy root chakra is characterised by courage, confidence and self awareness. Muladhara is where we ground the life force energy in our body.


Anahata is the fourth primary chakra, located on the spine behind the heart and relates to the element of air. Its colour frequency is green and its musical note is F. Known as the heart chakra, it is the seat of unconditional love and compassion. A healthy anahata is characterised by an awareness of the interconnectedness of everyone and everything and a sense of love, compassion, emotional stability, generosity and humility. The mere presence of a strong anahata chakra can influence the emotional state of those around us. Love conquers all!


Vishuddha is the fifth primary chakra, located at the back of the throat, and relates to the all-pervasive element of ether. Its colour frequency is blue and its musical note is G. Known as the throat chakra, it is the seat of communication and self-expression. This is the purification centre, which transforms negative experiences into wisdom. A healthy Vishuddha is characterised by masterful communication and purity of mind. When our Vishuddha is strong, our mind starts to come to terms with greater cosmic awareness.


Manipura, or Solar Plexus chakra, is the third primary chakra, located at the solar plexus. Its colour frequency is yellow and its musical note is E. It is the fiery centre of willpower, where we get our determination and sense of direction in life. The solar plexus chakra governs digestion and metabolism, transforming our food into nourishment, which is distributed throughout the body as prana. A healthy manipura chakra is characterised by a healthy digestive system, high self-esteem and personal empowerment. A strong manipura encourages social conscience.


Svadhisthana is the second primary chakra, referred to as the Sacral chakra. It is located 5cm below the navel in the centre of the abdomen. Its colour frequency is orange and its musical note is D. Svadhistana relates to the element of water and represents our sexual creative force. It is the seat of our sexuality and our sense of abundance, satisfaction and wellbeing. A healthy svadhistana chakra is characterised by an overall sense of joy and wellbeing and attractiveness to others.

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NY, 28 y.o.

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